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The Creation

Wild Womxn Medicine was created and birthed as a sacred space for deep holding and remembrance of our power as Womxn. To remember and reclaim our wildness in sisterhood, to embody the fullness of ourselves and bring that forth into the world. This is what humanity needs right now, to heal and thrive from a place of wholeness.

I am Shaina Sakrison, the space holder of Wild Womxn Medicine.


My intention is to weave together the medicine of cyclical living, holistic health, somatic healing, and the deep power and medicine of alchemizing our wounds into our embodied wisdom.  This is a container for you to remember, self heal, embrace,reconnect to the truth that lives inside of you to embody YOUR POWER and live your life wild, free, and in your truest form.


My gifts lie in the depths and journeys of transitions.  Transitions are a time of the in between. Not where you were, and not yet where you’re headed towards. They are the liminal space, the place where you are in the dark. Usually in the transition we are contracting when what we need is to soften, to open, to release. We need deep support, love, guidance, and someone who is seeing our power and strength and reminding and guiding us to tune in there, to surrender there. To be there. In my own births as well as being a birth worker, this is usually the point where womxn feel or say I can’t do this. This is the part where you feel as though you are going to break, and you are, but not in the way you think. You’re breaking open not apart. You’re release all that has kept you small or in a cage, you are releasing one version of yourself to open to a new one. But in that in between all you feel is I’m done, I’m breaking, I can’t do this anymore. And I say yes! Yes, to being done carrying around the pain, weight, trauma, and wounds that has been keeping you from stepping into and living in alignment with your truest self. We have to surrender this old self completely and fully, to fall into the arms of the Great Mother who is always waiting to catch us, we just have forgotten. I am here as a Spiritual Midwife to hold that space for your transition, your full surrender, possibly your breaking and cracking open, and to witness your becoming.  To remind you of that you are so much more than the weight of what was, and to hold the space for you to EMBODY your true self, your light, your love, your POWER. It is such a sacred honor to witness and hold space for a womxn to rebirth herself, I would be honored to walk along side you on your sacred journey.


We all face the challenges of releasing the layers of what is not a true expression of ourselves. By reconnecting to ourselves with our nervous system leading the way in sacred communion with other Womxn, we are showing up and allowing the divinity from within, our wisdom, intuition, and power to come forth and shine its wholeness for ourselves, our sisters, our ancestors, our daughters, and for the future generations of wise Womxn to come.


Womxn need womxnIt's widely known that when Womxn come together in circle, huge shifts happen, personally and collectively. When Womxn connect this way, it's not from a place of co-dependancy, or with the reliance of others doing the work for them, or finding the answers outside instead from within. A deep and sacred connection with our inner wholeness is created to bring harmony to all that is. Womxn need other womxn to be healthy and vibrant, we need these authentic connections to build and strengthen the feminine rising. I truly believe in the power and sacredness of womxn circling together, whether it's two womxn or twenty, there is magic that is created in these Sacred Gatherings!

Shaina Full body winter dreaming.jpg

"I envision a day where all womxn are living in harmony within themselves, one another, and Mother Earth. I know this is possible, and I know others yearn for this as well. "


The story of wild.

As a child, my father called me "Shaina the She-Wolf." I always had this sense of wildness within me. This was not necessarily a compliment at the time, but it was my father’s deep knowing of the truth of my being. Navigating through life, that wildness was always there. It was my guide, my protector, my powerhouse but our western societal ways didn't support my wild. I was shamed, I was suppressed, I was gaslit,  I was punished in so many ways that my wild felt caged and trapped in a place where it just didn't seem to fit the "society norms". My wild would then start to express itself sideways when everything became too much to bare, through compromised health, toxic relationships, uneven work/life balance.. until I one day decided to take the reins and reclaim my wild. I started connecting with Womxn in circle, focused on healing my roots from years of disempowerment and reconnecting to my Sacredness within. Layers were shed and She-Wolf was finally unleashed from her cage, she is integrated in all the work I do now.


I have spent 7 years on an underworld journey. I was living a life that was not in alignment with who I truly am at the core. Of course I didn't really know that at the time. I looked "successful" on the outside and I was so disassociated from myself on the inside that all seemed fine. Then there were big events in my life that catapulted me into this underworld, divorce, business partnerships going badly, being attacked for my sexual identity. I was quite quickly plunged into the darkness, I had no real understanding or reference point as to what was occurring. I spent a long time walking through the mud in the darkness, alone. I have shed so many layers of pain and trauma, spiraled around and around on the same wound, and have found my way back to the Circle of Belonging within. My deep passion for this work comes from knowing how beneficial and less traumatic it would have been for me to have a guidepost, someone holding a lantern.Knowing that no can do this journey for another, but we can have support, guides, encouragement, someone to compassionate listen when we are at the depths of our pain and grief. This support and community is what we are deeply missing and what makes the difference if we emerge from this journey having come through it as a rite of passage or we stay looping in trauma and remain stuck. 


I know my experience is similar to so many others, the feelings of being lost, alone, disconnected and disempowered from the wild within, that there's something wrong with me. We are all one of the same and this is why I have such deep reverence for the wild within, the primal energy that lives inside all Womxn. I have a calling, it’s calling me and I’m calling it, to hold sacred space for us all to reclaim, heal, and embody our power. This is the work of bringing balance and healing back to the world. To remember we are not alone with our wounds and worries, we aren't the problem, we are the HOLY WILD. 

Autumn Foliage

The Journey

As many journey’s go, you do not realize you are on one until you can look back over some distance and see how perfectly you have arrived at this place. My journey to be here was an uncharted path through the wildness. Sure I did formal trainings, classes, programs, books, etc. But I have not followed the paths these things usually lead to. I went to college, majored in biology with a biochemistry minor, I went to Chiropractic college and earned a Doctorate in Chiropractic, I’ve done hundreds if not thousands of hours in continuing education, and sat in and through so many trainings.

I was always looking for pieces of truth, of finding unknown pieces of myself in these things. I would collect the things that really resonated and leave what did not. I was not traditional, not because I was trying not to be, but because it didn’t fit. I never did find myself in any of these places, but my true belonging lives within me, and from here I’ve been created through alchemy.

I have taken much from holistic health, somatic trauma resolution, visceral manipulation, cranial sacral therapy, manual therapy, intuitive healing, and much more to alchemize my own way of being and healing.

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